Plumbing Works Thebes Boeotia - BARBOUNIS GEORGIOS - Plumbing Supplies Thebes Boeotia - Plumbing Installations Thebes Boeotia - Water Supply Thebes Boeotia - Plumbing Supplies Thebes Boeotia

7715 Visitors:
Address: Oblique Falangos 18
Area: Thiva
Telephone: 2262308494
Mobile: 6977663361
P.C.: 32200
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Welcome to Barbounis Georgios - Plumbing Works in Thebes, Boeotia At Barbounis Georgios, we leave our mark on every plumbing job, providing specialized solutions of high quality and reliability. With decades of experience, we are the preferred choice for plumbing work in the Thebes area and beyond.   Specialized Professionals Our team consists of specialized plumbers with deep knowledge and experience in the field. We apply the most effective techniques and materials, ensuring the...
7715 Visitors:

Oblique Falangos 18, Thiva

7715 Visitors:

Welcome to Barbounis Georgios - Plumbing Works in Thebes, Boeotia

At Barbounis Georgios, we leave our mark on every plumbing job, providing specialized solutions of high quality and reliability. With decades of experience, we are the preferred choice for plumbing work in the Thebes area and beyond.

Specialized Professionals

Our team consists of specialized plumbers with deep knowledge and experience in the field. We apply the most effective techniques and materials, ensuring the safety and durability of our facilities. With a passion for serving our customers, we provide high quality and reliable services.

Complete Hydraulic Solutions

No matter the size or type of project, we are available to provide complete plumbing solutions that meet our customers' needs and expectations. From repairs and maintenance to new installations and renovations, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Contact us

For more information about our services and partnership opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We are here to help you achieve your plumbing goals.


Plumbing Items
Hydraulic installations
Water supply
Trade in Hydraulic Products
7715 Visitors:

Oblique Falangos 18

Telephone: 2262308494
Mobile: 6977663361

Working Hours
